Villa Arcadio Hotel & Resort

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Tarifas desde   290.00 EUR

Small and perfectly formed, the location of this pretty 18 room villa isn't bad either, as it looks out onto the magnificent panorama of Lake Garda.
Yet despite all the excellent tangibles such as the views and surroundings, which take in 11 hectares of olive groves, fruit orchards and flowers, what makes it a cut above its peers is the special atmosphere and welcome one gets from a family run hotel.
Aurelio, the inn keeper, is already a local legend for his hospitality and this combination of charm, style and location is a winner. There's also the history. The Villa Arcadio started off life as an ancient convent and some of the original frescoes and terra-cotta floors still remain. But these have been combined with a fresh modern design and Italian-ate furnishings and furniture used to great effect, whether in the public area or the 18 ample rooms.
If all this isn't romantic enough for you then the Villa Arcadio also serves up delicious meals in a panoramic terrace with, you've guessed it, fabulous views of Lake Garda as a backdrop. Then there is the Finnish sauna with a full program of beauty treatments, including oriental massage and ayurvedic treatments.
All this adds up to a place that is just right for body and soul, though being a luxury 4 star accommodation, not necessarily the walle.

Edifício histórico Vistas panorâmicas Romântico Longe da confusão


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Bom Saber: Villa Arcadio Hotel & Resort

Tarifas desde   290.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 2
Lojas: 2
Aeroporto: 20
Estação de Comboios: 25
Metro/Bus: 2
Tarifas desde   290.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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