La Maison du Village

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Bed & Breakfast
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Tarifas desde   295.00 EUR

A well-appointed town house in the historic centre of Saint Rémy, La Maison du Village is a stylish and comfortable Bed & Breakfast with a healthy touch of that Provençal air of relaxation.
Whether you come to Saint Rémy for the market which pulls producers of cheeses, wine and other fine produce from as far away as the Alps, you just fancy relaxing in one of the best preserved small towns in Provence or want to take a dose of that stunning countryside that enthused van Gogh and many others, the opportunities here are endless.
The 4 suites and 1 smaller double can best be described as having a relaxed, comfy-but-stylish feel – good taste abounds with deep red floor tiles setting off the wooden beams, wrought iron bedsteads and plenty of wonderful sofas to curl up and read a book on.
Coupled with an excellent location in the calm centre of the village, perfect for strolling and wandering at ease (through traffic has been conveniently re-routed round the outside of the village) the overall impression is of an affordable, classy indulgence.
In spring and summer breakfast is served in the walled courtyard- cum-garden, a beautiful little spot which also makes the perfect place for afternoon tea or an aperitif after the market.

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= disponível

Localização: La Maison du Village

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Bom Saber: La Maison du Village

Tarifas desde   295.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 0
Lojas: 0
Tarifas desde   295.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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