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Apartamentos de férias
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    Bohemio Clásico
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Tarifas desde   270.00 EUR

The artfully furnished CasaCau residence is located at the heart of Rome, right next to the beautiful Quirinale Palace and not far from the Trevi Fountain. By arriving at the accommodation, you will be immersed in the world of Italian arts. Decorated rooms in the style of the 50s to 70s and vintage designed furniture will make your well-being experience complete.

The house consists of six separate flats for two to a maximum of five people, which have been individually styled by different artists. Each flat has its own Turkish bathroom with a steam shower and, in some cases, a bathtub. In addition, each flat has an open, bright and well-equipped kitchen. 

The bedrooms are equipped with comfortable king-size beds and large wardrobes. Baby cots can also be provided if required. In addition, the larger flats have a cosy living room with magnificent walls and classic furniture - all designed with expertise and love. From the rooms you will have an amazing view above the Quirinale Palace and the place Piazza di Sant'Apolli which is surrounding it. 

Due to the central location, attractions are quickly and easily to reach by foot or by public transport. 

The nearest bus stop is only a few minutes' walk away. Supermarkets, shops as well as delicious Italian restaurants are in the immediate vicinity. For sweet Italian ice cream, you just have to change the side of the street. The house is quietly located in a soundproofed area - you can feel at home while exploring a new city or simply enjoying a few relaxing days with Italian flair. CasaCau wants to create the feeling of staying with friends. The aim is to show their guests a multifaceted Rome with intimate and traditional insights into local places. "The feeling of having become part of the local scene, even if it was only for a short time." – This is the feeling that they want to generate among its guests. From arrival to departure, you will spend yourself in the Italian ambience thanks to CasaCau. So beautifully furnished you have never felt at home in a foreign city!

Design Trendy


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Localização: Casacau

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Bom Saber: Casacau

Tarifas desde   270.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade:
Tarifas desde   270.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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