Antica Locanda Lunetta

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    Centro Histórico
Tarifas desde   169.00 EUR

If one word sums up the Antica Locanda Lunetta then it is probably "authenticity". t’s a place that remains true to its soul.
First of all, the Lunetta dates back to the 1600s and it still retains the original stone wall, interior patio and wood-beamed ceilings. In this day and age of fast moving fads, it is a refreshing sight to come across such a place where the good parts of history are to be cherished.
It also means the Lunetta has a lot of tales to tell. For example, the current owner's great grandfather hosted D.H. Lawrence during his stay in Mandas in the 1920s. This is such a nice touch, especially for literary buffs.
Being located in the historic centre of Sardinia, in the heart of Trexenta also adds to the feeling of a genuine stay. It is not situated in the more populated coast, so you get the quiet town of Mandas nearby with its 2000 or so inhabitants and hidden away in a quiet backstreet of the small village is the Antica Locanda Lunetta.
The great thing about this lovely little place is that all this history is still very much alive. The renovation was done in full respect of tradition, so all modern comforts are ensured, but the past lives on.

Ambiente autêntico Edifício histórico Romântico


= disponível

Localização: Antica Locanda Lunetta

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Bom Saber: Antica Locanda Lunetta

Tarifas desde   169.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 100 m
Lojas: 100 m
Aeroporto: 50 km
Estação de Comboios: 1 km

Comentários sobre Antica Locanda Lunetta

Very much enjoyed this place
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We very much enjoyed this day in this nice place. It's amazing how much love in is in the detail of each part of the rooms. It will be a pleasure to give our friends the link to come to this lovely place. Viele liebe , coir behalten dies in seler guter. DANKE
Highlight of our stay
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Staying here was by no doubt the highlight of our Sardinia vacation :-) From every single detail is is clearly visible how much effort and love was put into the renovation. Thank You for such a nice stay
Tarifas desde   169.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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