TÓTEM Madrid Hotel

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Tarifas desde   269.00 EUR

Totem Hotel Madrid a discreet luxury

The Tótem hotel is situated in a beautiful historic building in the very heart of Madrid, close to the “Barrio de Salamanca” and surrounded by exclusive restaurants and the most refined boutiques. What may look like a classic and elegant building on the outside, shows its true essence in the interior. Avant-garde and minimalism in the same hotel, where decoration has been specially chosen to promote a relaxed atmosphere. But if anything will give a special touch to your holidays it’s the friendliness of the hotel’s staff, always willing to provide you with a comfortable stay.
The hotel holds a restaurant, specialised in cocktails and local cuisine: “Hermosos y Malditos” (aka “Beautiful and Cursed”). This is the perfect starting point to enjoy the magical nights of Madrid; have an appetizer in the afternoon and enjoy the exquisite Spanish gastronomy.
The rooms show simple modern design that rejects the overdone and unnecessary. They are equipped with wooden floors, air conditioning, flat screen TV and an elegant en-suite bath with black marble finishes and free toiletries. Besides, if you like exercising, the Tótem boasts a huge gym perfect for any king of training. It is situated in one of the best areas of the capital: close to the Retiro Park and Cibeles. The hotel is close to the metro line connecting to Goya (within 2 minutes’ walk). This is a perfect hotel for urbanites and for dynamic people who enjoy an ambience of culture, fashion and movement. If you identify with that and are planning a trip to Madrid, this is your place!

Trendy Boa qualidade - preço


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Localização: TÓTEM Madrid Hotel

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Bom Saber: TÓTEM Madrid Hotel

Tarifas desde   269.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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Centro Cidade:
Tarifas desde   269.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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