Dorset - market towns and ocean views

Does anyone remember the film the French lieutenants Woman, starring Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons? Well, it was filmed in Dorset (in Lyme Regis, to be exact) and viewers will probably remember the wild and beautiful seaside scenery (as well as the great acting).
That’s Dorset for you, only a few hours from London but a world away in terms of breathtaking coastal views, extensive cliffs and unpolluted atmosphere. Add in some historic market towns and you have one of England’s most charming areas made to be explored.

Dorset boutique hotels and inns

Welcome to our unique selection of romantic and stylish hotels in Dorset. Secretplaces selects only those truly special accommodations with soul. It is not about numbers but quality, shatever your reasons to travel to southern England, be it a romantic getaway or the thrill of staying at a bed & breakfast in Weymouth, for example, Secretplaces is there to help you find the perfect spot.

What to do

Unsurprisingly, a great swathe of Dorset has been officially classified as an “Area of Outstanding Beauty” but it also brims with history – both manmade and natural. Its coastline is “Jurassic” and designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site (the first to be awarded such an honour in England) due to its incredible geographical and geological structure.
You might have also seen images of the Cerna Abbas Giant (the naked Chalk Giant). Painted on a hill side and 55 metres high, it has become part of Dorset folklore and if you don’t know what we mean, just google the term. It’s interesting to say the least and sums up the quirkiness and humour of this lovely region.
We’ll end up as we started talking about the movies and culture. Dorset’s all round natural beauty makes it a magnet for filmmakers and writers using it as a back drop to their tales.
It has spelt its magic on many, not least of which, one of Britain’s greatest novelists, Thomas Hardy who used Dorset as his picturesque back drop in all his stories, including the famous Tess of the Durbevilles directed by Roman Polanski.
Go to Dorset and see why people get hooked.

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