La Posta Vecchia

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Hotel de Luxo
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    Á beira-mar
Tarifas desde   340.00 EUR

A truly outstanding Italianate Villa close by to Rome Overlooking the Tyrrenean sea and surrounded by 15 acres of Italianate gardens, the Posta Vechia is, as its own publicity brochure states, an exceptional hotel for exceptional people.
If you don’t take their word lets see what some guests have said. “A magical place close to Rome”, “A fairytale”. Even J. Paul Getty, who once owned this charming luxury hotel, called it "A serene and heavenly home”.
In fact . J P Getty was instrumental in making this the work of art it is today. Together with the art critic Federico Zeri, they set about decorating each of the 7 Suites and 12 Rooms. Classically decorated and full of awe-inspiring antiques, paintings and tapestries, the word that comes to mind most readily is “extraordinary”. Art treasures everywhere many of which from Royal Houses around Europe – ceramics, antique pieces, etc.
The rooms even afford wonderful views of the sea or gardens. In short, everything they say about the Posta Vecchia rings true. It is a place of dazzling taste, art and history. Of course, all this comes with a price and in this case the Posta Vecchia saying that it is not one of our “less expensive” choices is quite an understatement. But in the Posta Vecchia you have a place of pure class.

Edifício histórico Vistas panorâmicas Romântico


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Localização: La Posta Vecchia

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Bom Saber: La Posta Vecchia

Tarifas desde   340.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 0
Lojas: 0
Aeroporto: 60
Tarifas desde   340.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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