Akla Hotel Palacio Torre de Ruesga

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Tarifas desde   79.00 EUR

This secluded 18th century mansion has been restored and transformed with great care and affection into a truly wonderful accommodation.
Torre de Ruesga exudes elegance, sobriety and charm - its Palatine architecture blending in seamlessly with the exquisite décor to create a great atmosphere.
The large living rooms, for example, are decorated with frescoes by the 19th century Catalan painter Leon Criach. They are excellent places in which to read a book or play a game of cards. Should you wish to indulge in a game of snooker then where better than to play on a century old table encrusted with ivory. Rooms, of course, carry on this vain, sumptuous large and comfortable to the last.
The hotel also boasts tranquil grounds that take in a carefully tended garden, swimming pool gym and sauna. There are also fine views of the “Sierra del Hornijo” and the “Montes del Inferno” (the mountains of hell, no less) to enjoy. All in all, the combination of seclusion and beautiful decoration makes this the perfect place to relax and unwind and it is no wonder the hotel has won numerous awards.

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Localização: Akla Hotel Palacio Torre de Ruesga

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Bom Saber: Akla Hotel Palacio Torre de Ruesga

Tarifas desde   79.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 60
Lojas: 5
Aeroporto: 55
Estação de Comboios: 15

Comentários sobre Akla Hotel Palacio Torre de Ruesga

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Data estadia 10/09/2014
What a charming place! My new husband and I stayed here on our honeymoon and had a brilliant stay. Tucked away in one corner of a sleepy village, we were treated to good wine, good food and wonderful hosts. The room was delightful and full of old world charm. Fully recommended and make sure you have dinner in the restaurant!
Tarifas desde   79.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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