25hours Hotel Altes Hafenamt

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    Hipster Chic
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Tarifas desde   218.00 EUR

Located in the vibrant city of Hamburg, the 25 Hours Altes Hafenamt has 49 guestrooms which are spacious and stylish, in what was once the former Port Authority building. Each room has a king size bed, bathroom, air conditioning, tea station and high speed WI-FI. 

Guests can make the most of the onsite fitness centre and sauna, whilst bicycles are also available and offer the best way to explore the city. Bike tours can also be organized upon request. If cycling is not to your liking, 25 hours have a partnership with MINI and cars are available for hire upon request. 

Combining contemporary design with industrial charm, the Altes Hafenamt is the perfect place to base yourself at whilst you explore Hamburg. 



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Localização: 25hours Hotel Altes Hafenamt

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Bom Saber: 25hours Hotel Altes Hafenamt

Tarifas desde   218.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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Tarifas desde   218.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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