Riad Anata

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Hotel Boutique
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Tarifas desde   120.00 EUR
Anata Riad’s modern comfort inspires relaxation in a magic place. The place's style and energy accompanies the traveler in his quest for serenity and spirituality. Everything was thought of and executed to offer the guest the freedom to get fresh ideas and relax with a glass of fresh mint tea. The lounge (patio) has got a well-supplied library where you can enjoy your reading and spiritual exodus.
Each of the five rooms is a haven of peace... you will enjoy high quality beds, hearty breakfast, faultless service and a top roof terrace overhanging the medina (old city).Breakfast or dinner will be served at your choice on the terrace or in the patio. Enjoy the sweetness of Fez golden light on our deck. At sunset, refresh yourself in our wading pool while enjoying the view over the medina.
Ambiente autêntico Prazeres simples Edifício histórico Romântico


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Localização: Riad Anata

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Bom Saber: Riad Anata

Tarifas desde   120.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 5km
Lojas: 200m
Aeroporto: 15km
Estação de Comboios: 5km

Comentários sobre Riad Anata

wonderful place to stay
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Data estadia 15/04/2019
Wir haben zwei Nächte im Riad Anata verbracht, in luxuriösem Zimmer mit herrlicher Matratze, bequemem Bad, stilvoll marrokanischer Ausstattung, abgeschirmt vom Lärm der Straße. Auf der hübschen Rooftop-Terrasse des Riads kann man in Liegestühlen vom Pflastertreten ausspannen. Auch wird dort üppig und köstlich gefrühstückt (unser bestes Frühstück in ganz Marokko). Empfehlenswert ist auch, hier abendzuessen, denn es wird vorzüglich gekocht, es gibt Wein, und das Ambiente ist einfach lauschig schön, der Service persönlich und zugewandt. Wir waren sehr zufrieden.
Riad Anata is a real gem.
start start start start start
Data estadia 18/01/2019
The bedrooms and bathrooms are spacious, clean and very comfortable. The beds and linen are of excellent quality. We spend a lot of time enjoying the communal space and terrasse. Breakfast is so delicious. We also took advantage of the dinner option at night and both time we were served with exceptional food. And the staff is amazing : everyone is welcoming, so nice and they always make sure we have everything we need. We spend 3 days there and didn’t want to leave. I recommend everyone that visit Fes to stay there a couple of days
Tarifas desde   120.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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