Gredic d.o.o.

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Hotel Boutique
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Tarifas desde   145.00 EUR

What do Slovenia and the Gredič do.o. have in common? It is quite obvious: Both are indeed quite small, but perfectly formed and offer so much more than you might realize at first glance. This small and beautiful castle was built on a hill and is looking back on a 400-year-long history. Right after the war, it was standing directly on the border, which you cannot see any more in those days. If you listen carefully you will be able to hear history talking because it is everywhere behind this historical walls!
From Gredič do.o. you have a perfect view over the countryside, which has so much to offer: You can see the sea in the south, but in the distance you can also recognize the snow-capped Alps. Summed up: Unique landscape as far as the eye can see!
Despite the great location this hotel has not "only" pure nature to offer: Gredič do.o. provides you with discreet privacy, warm hospitality and also a lot of modern elements that you will definitely enjoy. History, panorama, Bang & Olufsen audio-video systems, an endless selection of movies, series and music meet here. Since its renovation, this property is even more pompous and also offers more restored rooms, where you will feel right at home.
This region is of course well known for its delicious food and wine at its best. Therefore, it is not surprising that you will find also a wine cellar with a large selection in the hotel. Only the best wines get a place here, including quality tipples of the region.

Boa cozinha Romântico Longe da confusão Beleza natural Trendy


= disponível

Localização: Gredic d.o.o.

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Bom Saber: Gredic d.o.o.

Tarifas desde   145.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade:
Aeroporto: 17.2 km
Tarifas desde   145.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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