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Hotel & Self-Catering
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Tarifas desde   89.00 EUR

There's something colonially exotic about the the charming b&b AiguaClara, unsurprisingly so as this palace was built in 1866 by a local businessman who had made his fortune in Cuba. The end result is an architecture that certainly owes more than a passing nod to the island. That lovely, traditional colonial look and feel, taking in parchment lampshades, for example, remains to this day. Indeed, whilst the charming bedrooms have, of course, since been furnished with antique pieces bought locally and some tasteful modern art, they still all boast the original wooden doors, tiled floors and floor-to-ceiling windows.

One of the hotel's highlights is the restaurant. Not only is the cuisine excellent, serving up its own variation of Catalan and Mediterranean dishes, weather permitting the restaurant's canopy opens out onto the garden, the star of which is a century old cherry tree. It is a lovely spot to enjoy your meal by. Yet despite all these very important plus points, what really makes the hotel truly special are the owners, Clara and Joan. They fell in love with the place, restored it and thankfully stayed faithful to the place's roots.

Plus they are simply wonderful hosts. Guests wax lyrical about them and noting is too much trouble. Begur is also a lovely town, located in what many say is the best part of the Costa Brava and losing yourself in its cobbled streets whilst trying to visit the castle is a must. Though slightly inland from Agua Blava it is also near some of the finest beaches, drives and treks to be found anywhere in the area. The “Baix Emporda” is a fantastic place and the Hotel Aiguaclara does it justice.

Ambiente autêntico Romântico Trendy Boa qualidade - preço


= disponível

Localização: Aiguaclara

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Bom Saber: Aiguaclara

Tarifas desde   89.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

Transporte / Distancias

Centro Cidade: 0
Lojas: 0
Aeroporto: 60
Estação de Comboios: 25

Comentários sobre Aiguaclara

start start start start start
Data estadia 29/11/2014
Thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The hosts were friendly and helpful. The resturant next door was warm and inviting. Highly recommend a stay even in rainy weather.
Data estadia 13/07/2011
Este hotel es genial, maravilloso, cálido......creo que he encontrado mi alojamiento en BEGUR, sin ninguna duda, repetiré tantas veces pueda. No he podido dejar de hacer fotos a todos lo rincones, a los miles de detalles........ME ENCANTA. y el restaurante igual de encantador que el hotel. Y begur me ha sorprendido gratamente.
Tarifas desde   89.00 EUR
Reservar por telefone
+351 214 647 430

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